Welcome to this edition of the Calvacade of Risk. This is our third time hosting and we hope you enjoy this editions submissions.
Insurance Risk
Brice Hogan at financialzip.com submitted "Evaluating Life Insurance" - It is important to learn how to evaluate which life insurance is for you and how much you need. This article can help.
Debbie at americanentrepreneurship.com entered "The Importance of Key Person Insurance for Small Business Owners" - While no one wants to think that anything will ever happen to them or their business partners or loved ones, it’s a fact of life that no one lives forever. If one of your partners is no longer around, separate from the emotional consequences of losing someone you care about, you’re also likely to find yourself dealing with major financial implications for the business.
Money Smart Life submitter Ben comments insurance can be expensive but there's nothing like a flood or tornado to remind you why it's important in his post "Home Owners Insurance Can Offer Comfort During Tornados & Floods".
" Avoid filing claims that hurt you" -Ernesto TIG discusses claims and how they can hurt you long term at InsuranceYak.com
Astrid Lee submitted "Essential Insurance for a new Business" from Be Safe Insure .com . The article covers the essential types of insurance for a new business cover a whole range of business aspects. As a new business manager, one of the first things you'll need is to get insurance for your employees to cover any on the job injuries.
Investment Risk
Talk of investment risk is abundant but what is investment risk really? Dorian Wales answers this question at The Personal Financier in the post "Do you understand investment risk? "
FIRE Finance discusses "Investment Risks at a Glance "
Barb Ryan at Pasadena Financial Planner submits "Asset Allocation, Investment Asset Tax Location, and Emergency Cash Management "
No substance has held as much allure over the centuries as gold. And that allure still seems to hold with gold prices going up to as much as $1000 an ounce in March. But gold does not stack up in investment portfolios. More of this discussion by Leon Gettler can be found at the Sox First post " Does gold stack up?"
Credit Risk
"Loans To Handle With Care: Think Hard Before Taking On This Debt " is a worthwhile read by the Silicon Valley Blogger at The Digerati Life.
mBB at Money Blue Book Personal Finance Blog tells us " How To Order Your Free Credit Score "
Managing Risk
Want to understand the risk you are taking with some businesses? Read their website terms of use. If you fail to do so, you are taking a risk. If you fail to use terms of use, you keep your door open for a myriad of legal threats. Noric Dilanchian at Dilanchian Lawyers posts "Website Terms of Use Reduce Risk"
Jason Shafrin at Healthcare Economist discusses how California has "outsourced" much of its Medicaid to private managed care organizations and Did California’s Medicaid HMO contracts save the state money?
Given the dominance of the health insurance industry as the financing mechanism for health care, attempts to grow disease management, chronic care model, pay for performance or electronic medical records as 'retail' are bound to be slow. In fact, part of disease management's success is due to its advocates willingness to accept risk as part of the business model. Jaan Sidorov at Disease Management Care Blog goes into greater detail of this in the post " Risk Beats Retail for Disease Management, Medical Home, P4P and The Electronic Medical Record "
Michael Emilio's Real Estate Blog tells us how to get Free Hurricane Wind Inspection in Florida
Taking Risks
At CMOE- Strategic Thinking they discuss An Unusual Day of Development in taking personal risks.
Great job, Spencer!
Thank you for hosting!
Posted by: hgstern | May 07, 2008 at 09:06 PM
Thanks for the information on topics.I was excited for this article.
Thank you again.
Posted by: Debt Help | February 17, 2009 at 02:28 AM
Small businesses should take steps in preventing risks with financial processes and credit rules .
Posted by: John Beck | October 30, 2009 at 02:07 AM